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Thursday, July 7, 2011
Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus
Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."
The writer of
Hebrews plainly tells us that Jesus Christ does not change, but rather is the same from eternity past to eternity future.
We have no problem with Jesus being the same yesterday. We read of who He was and what He did while He was here on earth and
we have no problem with any of that. Likewise we have no problem with Jesus being who He is and what He is in the forever.
We know that He is mighty God and will rule and reign eternally.
But we do seem to have problems with Jesus Christ
being the same today. No problems with the past and no problems with the future; it's the middle span that troubles us.
Amid the dull monotony of things as they are, when the skies seem dark and nothing of eternal nature breaks on
the present scene, it is easier to visualize the Christ of the Galilean past or the Christ of the Glorious future than it
is to expect great things from the Christ of the Glamourless now.
But our text stoutly insists...."AND
4:09 pm edt