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Monday, May 16, 2011
Events in the Middle East are
moving very quickly. First there was revolution in Egypt, then almost every other Arab country in the region and now the violence
and threat of revolution is spreading to Israel. Thousands of protesters have breached the borders of Israel from Syria, Lebanon
and Gaza; shots have been fired and several have been killed.
Israel is now in a very precarious position. If
she defends her borders with force there is the very real threat of the world turning against her, including the United States.
If the borders are not defended, Israel will be overrun by her neighboring enemies creating chaos and revolution.
We as Christians in the Western World must pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East; both Arab
and Israeli. We are commanded by Scripture to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem." Now is the time to lift up our
voices in prayer and petition as never before.
Now is also the time to realize that we are living in the "last
days" and the "perilous times" that the Bible speaks of and prepare ourselves for what lies ahead. The fact
is that we do not know specifically what tomorrow will bring, but we do know that when we see these things, we are to lift
up our heads and realize that our redemption is drawing near. We must prepare our hearts and lives for a glorious meetings
with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Keep praying!
2:23 pm edt