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Recent Ministry News

Jeff and Martha Brooks are home in Knoxville  where Jeff has been preaching on Sunday evening at Buffat Heights Baptist Church. Jeff continues to work on writing his book entitled, "No Visible Means of Support."

Frank Solorzano and His wife Ruth are in Guatemala where Frank is busy with ministry and preparing for several Mission Groups that will come to Guatemala to minister.  Please keep Frank and Ruth in your prayers.  

Glenn Dean has had an exceptionally busy time with counseling lately. It seems that more and more people are in need of Godly, Spirit-led counseling.

Roger and Grace Tsosie continue their work on the Navajo nation. Please keep them in your prayer as they serve the Lord among Native Americans.

Pablo and Dulce (Sweet Ruth) Rodriguez are now pastoring a church in Vic, Spain.  Continue to pray for Pablo and Dulce as they serve the Lord in Spain.

Amy and Doug Rosine, are praying about another Medical Mission to Guatemala in the near future.  Please keep them in your prayers.

Chris Batchelor recently joined our team and is available for ministry. Chris lives in Dallas, GA and has traveled several times to work with Frank Solorzano in Guatemala and to Spain to work with Pablo and Dulce Rodriques